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J112. James Matthew Ridgway, Gurpreet Ahuja, Shuaguang Guo, Jianping Su, Usama Mahmood, Zhongping Chen, Brian Wong“Imaging of the Pediatric Airway Using Optical Coherence Tomography,” The Laryngoscope 117, pp2206-2212(2007).
J111. Woonggyu Jung, Daniel T. McCormick, Yeh-Chan Ahn, Ali Sepehr, Matt Brenner, Brian Wong, Norman C. Tien and Zhongping Chen“In vivo three-dimensional spectral domain endoscopic optical coherence tomography using a microelectromechanical system mirror,” OPTICS LETTERS vol.32, no.20,3239-3041(2007)
J110. Lingfeng Yu and Zhongping Chen“Digital holographic tomogrtaphy based on spectral interferometry,” OPTICS LETTERS vol.32, no.20,3005-3007(2007)
J109. Hilari Kawakami-Wong, Shuguang Guo, Marie J. Hammer-Wilson, Joel B. Epstein, Zhongping Chen and Petra Wilder-Smith“In vivo optical coherence tomography-based scoring of oral mucositis in human subjects: a pilot study,” J. Biomedical Optics 051702(2007).
J108. Matthew Brenner, Kelly Kreuter, David Mukai, Tanya Burney, Shuguang Guo, Jianping Su, Sari Mahon, Andrew Tran, Lillian Tseng, Johnny Ju and Zhongping Chen“Detection of acute smoke-induced airway injury in a new Zealand white rabbit model using optical coherence tomography,” J. Biomedical Optics 051701(2007).
J107. Jianping Su, Jun Zhang, Lingfeng Yu, Zhongping Chen“In vivo three-dimensional microelectromechanical endoscopic swept source optical cohernece tomography,” OPTICS EXPRESS 10390-10396(2007)
J106. Yeh-Chan Ahn, Woonggyu Jung and Zhongping Chen“Quantification of a three-dimensional velocity vector with spectral-domain Doppler optical coherence tomography,” OPTICS LETTERS 1587-1589(2007).
J105. Lingfeng Yu, Bin Rao, Jun Zhang, Jianping Su, Qiang Wang, Shuguang Guo and Zhongping Chen” Improved lateral resolution in optical coherencetomography by digital focusing using two-dimensional numerical diffraction method,” OPTICS EXPRESS 7634-7641(2007).
J104. Jungrae Chung, Woonggyu Jung, Marie J. Hammer-Wilson, Petra Wilder-Smith and Zhongping Chen“Use of polar decomposition for the diagnosis of oral precancer,” APPLIED OPTICS 3038-3045(2007).
J103. Petra Wilder-Smith, Marie J. Hammer-Wilson, Jun Zhang, Qiang Wang, Kathryn Osann, Zhongping Chen, Harvey Wigdor, Joel Schwartz and Joel Epstein“In vivo Imaging of Oral Mucositis in an Animal Model Using Optical Coherence Tomography and Optical Doppler Tomography,” Clin Cancer Res 2449-2454(2007).
J102. Jianping Su, Ivan V.Tomov, Yi Jiang and Zhongping Chen“High-resolution frequency-domain second-harmonic optical coherence tomogrpahy,” APPLIED OPTICS 1770-1775(2007).
J101. Shuo Tang, Chung-Ho Sun, Tatiana B.krasieva, Zhongping Chen and Bruce J. Tromberg “Imaing subcellular scattering contrast by using combined optical coherence and multiphoton microscopy,” OPTICS LETTERS 503-506(2007).
J100. Lingfeng Yu and Zhongping Chen“Improved tomographic imaging of wavelength scanning digital holographic microscopy by use of digital spectral shaping,” OPTICS EXPRESS 878-886(2007).
J99. Tuqiang Xie, Shuguang Guo, Jun Zhang, Zhongping Chen, George M. Peavy” Use of polarizatioin-sensitive optical coherence tomography to determine the directional polarization sensitivity of articular cartilage and meniscus,” J. Biomedical Optics 064001(2006).
J98. James M. Ridgway, William B. Armstrong, Shuguang Guo, Usama Mahmood, Jianping Su, Ryan P. Jackson, Terry Shibuya, Roger L. Crumley, Mai Gu, Zhongping Chen, Brian J. F. Wong“In Vivo Optical Coherence Tomography of the Human Oral Cavity and Oropharynx,” Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 132, 1074-1081(2006).
J97. Tuqiang Xie, Shuguang Guo, Jun Zhang, Zhongping Chen and George M. Peavy“Determination of Characteristics of Degenerative Joint Disease Using Optical Coherence Tomography and Polarization Sensitive Optical Coherence Tomography,” Laser in Surgery and Medicine 37, 1-14 (2006)
J96. J. Zhang, Q. Wang, B. Rao, and Z. Chen“Swept Laser Source at 1 µm for Fourier Domain Optical Coherence Tomography,” APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 89, 073901 (2006).
J95. Usama Mahmood, Nevine Mikhail Hanna, Sugku Han, Woong-Gyu Jung, Zhongping Chen, Bryan Jordan, Andrey Yershov, Ronald Walton and Matthew Brenner“Evaluation of Rabbit Tracheal Inflammation Using Optical Coherence Tomography,” CHEST 130, 863-868(2006).
J94. Y.- C. Ahn, W. Jung, and Z. Chen“Turbid two-phase slug flow in a microtube: Simultaneous visualization of structure and velocity field,” APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 89, 064109 (2006).
J93. W. Armstrong, J. Ridgway, D. Vokes, S. Guo, J. Perez, R. Jackson, M. Gu, J. Su, R. Crumley, T. Shibuya, U. Mahmood, Z. Chen, and B. Wong“Optical Coherence Tomography of Laryngeal Cancer,” The Laryngoscope 1107-1113 (2006).
J92. N. Hanna, W. Waite, K. Taylor, W.- G. Jung, D. Mukai, E. Matheny, K. Kreuter, P. Wilder-Smith, M. Brenner, and Z. Chen“Feasibility of Three-Dimensional Optical Coherence Tomography and Optical Doppler Tomography of Malignancy in Hamster Cheek Pouches,” Photomedicine and Laser Surgery 402–409 (2006)
J91. S. Guo, R. Hutchison, R. P. Jackson, A. Kohli, T. Sharp, E. Orwin, R. Haskell, Z. Chen, and B. Wong, “Office-based Optical Coherence Tomographic Imaging of Human Vocal Cords,” J. Biomedical Optics 030501 (2006).
J90. U. Mahmood, J. Ridgway, R. Jackson, S. Guo, J. Su, W. Armstrong, T. Shibuya, R. Crumley, Z. Chen, and B. Wong, “In Vivo Optical Coherence Tomography of the Nasal Mucosa,” American Journal of Rhinology, Vol. 20, No. 2, 155-159 (2006).
J89. S. Tang, T. B. Krasieva, Z. Chen, and B. Tromberg, “Combined Multiphoton and Optical Coherence Microscopy,” J. Biomedical Optics 020502 (2006)
J88. S. Tang, T. B. Krasieva, Z. Chen, G. Tempea, and B. Tromberg“Effect of Pulse Duration on Two-Photon Excited Fluorescence and Second Harmonic Generation in Nonlinear Optical Microscopy,” J. Biomedical Optics 020501 (2006).
J87. B. A. Torkian, S. Guo, A. W. Jahng, L. H. L. Liaw, Z. Chen, and B. Wong, “Noninvasive Measurement of Ablation Crater Size and Thermal Injury After CO2 Laser in the Vocal Cord Using Optical Coherence Tomography,” Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery134, 86-91 (2006).
J86. W. Jung, J. Zhang, L. Wang, Z. Chen, D. McCormick, and N. Tien,“Three-dimensional endoscopic optical coherence tomography by use of a two-axis microelectromechanical scanning mirror,” Applied Physics Letters 88, 163910 (2006).
J85. T. Xie, S. Guo, Z. Chen, D. Mukai, and M. Brenner,“GRIN lens rod based probe for endoscopic spectral domain optical coherence tomography with fast dynamic focus tracking,” Optics Express 14, 3238-3246 (2006).
J84. Y. – C. Ahn, W. Jung, J. Zhang and Z. Chen,“Investigation of laminar dispersion with optical coherence tomography and optical Doppler tomography,” Optics Express 13, 8164-71 (2005).
J83. W. Jung, J. Zhang, J. Chung, P. Wilder-Smith, M. Brenner, J. S. Nelson, and Z. Chen,“Advances in Oral Cancer Detection using Optical Coherence Tomography,” IEEE J. Select. Topics Quantum Electron. 11, 811-7 (2005).
J82. S. Naglaa, H. El-Abbadi, N. Hanna, U. Mahmood, R. Mina-Araghi, W.-G. Jung, Z. Chen, H. Colt, and M. Brenner,“Evaluation of Tracheal Imaging by Optical Coherence Tomography,” Respiration, 72, 537-542 (2005).
J81. B. Reiser, T. Ignacio, Y. Wang, Ý. Taban, J. M. Graff, P. Sweet, Z. Chen and R. Chuck, “In vitro measurement of rabbit corneal epithelial thickness using ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography,” Veterinary Ophthalmology 8, 85-88 (2005).
J80. W. Jung, J. Zhang, L. Wang, P. Wilder-Smith, Z. Chen, D. McCormick, and N. Tien, “Three-Dimensional Optical Coherence Tomography Employing a 2-Axis Microelectromechanical Scanning Mirror,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 11,806-810 (2005).
J79. J. Zhang, and Z. Chen, “In vivo blood flow imaging by a swept source based Fourier domain optical Doppler tomography,” Optics Express 13, 7449-57 (2005).
J78. B. Wong, R. Jackson, S. Guo, J. Ridgway, U. Mahmood, J. Shu, T. Shibuya, R. Crumley, M. Gu, W. Armstrong, and Z. Chen,” In Vivo Optical Coherence Tomography of the Human Larynx: Normative and Benign Pathology in 82 Patients,” The Laryngoscope 115,1904-1911 (2005).
J77. P. Wilder-Smith, T. Krasieva, W. Jung, J. Zhang, Z. Chen, K. Osann and B. Tromberg,“Noninvasive imaging of oral premalignancy and malignancy,” Journal of Biomedical Optics,10,051601-8 (2005)
J76. Y. Wang, I. Tomov, J. Nelson, and Z. Chen, “Low-noise broadband light generation from optical fibers for use in high-resolution optical coherence tomography,” J.Opt.Soc.Am,V22,1492-1499(2005).
J75. A. Karamzadeh, R. Jackson, S. Guo, J. Ridgway, H. Wong, G. Ahuja, M. Chao, L.- H. Liaw, Z. Chen, and B. Wong, “Characterization of Submucosal Leisions Using Optical Coherence Tomography in the Rabbit Subglottis,”ARCH OTOLARYNGOL HEAD NECK SURG, V131,499-504 (2005).
J74. T. Xie, D. Mukai, S. Guo, M. Brenner, and Z. Chen, “Fiber-optic-bundle-based optical coherence tomography,” Opt. Lett. 30, 1803-1805 (2005).
J73. H. Lim, Y. Jiang, Y. Wang, Y. – C. Huang, Z. Chen, and F. Wise, “Ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography with a fiber laser source at 1um,” Opt. Lett. 30, 1171-1173 (2005).
J72. Y. Jiang, I. Tomov, Y. Wang, and Z. Chen,“High-resolution second-harmonic optical coherence tomography of collagen in rat-tail tendon,” Applied Physics Letter 86, 133901 (2005).
J71. N. Hanna, D. Saltzman, D. Mukai, Z. Chen, S. Sasse, J. Milliken, S. Guo, W. Jung, H. Colt, and M. Brenner, .“Two-dimensional and 3-dimensional optical coherence tomographic imaging of the airway, lung, and pleura,” The Journal of Thoracic and Cardivascular Surgery, 129, 615-623 (2005)
J70. A. Divetia, T. – H. Hsieh, J. Zhang, Z. Chen, M. Bachman, and G. – P. Li, “Dynamically focused optical coherence tomography for endoscopic applications,” Applied Physics Letters 86, 103902(2005).
J69. J. Zhang, J. Nelson and Z. Chen, “Removal of a mirror image and enhancement of the signal-to-noise ratio in Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography by use of an electro-optical phase modulator,” Opt. Lett. 30 (2005).
J68. Y. Wang, M. Bachman, G. – P. Li, S. Guo, B. Wang and Z. Chen, “Low-voltage polymer-based scanning cantilever for in vivo optical coherence tomography,” Opt. Lett. 30 (2005).
J67. J. Zhang, W. Jung, J. Nelson, and Z. Chen, “Full range polarization-sensitive Fourier domain optical coherence tomography,” Optics Express 12, 6033-6039 (2004).
J66. B. Li, B. Majaron, J. Viator, T. Milner, Z. Chen, Y. Zhao, H. Ren, and J. Nelson, “Accurate measurement of blood vessel depth in port wine stained human skin in vivo using pulsed photothermal radiometry,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 9(5), 961-966(2004).
J65. P. Wilder-Smith, W. Jung, M. Brenner, K. Osann, H. Beydoun, D. Messadi, and Z. Chen,“In Vivo Optical Coherence Tomography for the Diagnosis of Oral Malignancy,” Laser in Surgery and Medicine 35, 269-275 (2004)
J64. L. Wang, Y. Wang, S. Guo, J. Zhang, M. Bachman, G. Li, and Z. Chen,“Frequency domain phase-resolved optical Doppler and Doppler variance tomography,” Optics Communications 242, 345-350 (2004).
J63. E. Matheny, N. Hanna, W. Jung, Z. Chen, and P. Wilder-Smith, “Optical coherence tomography of malignancy in hamster cheek piuches,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 9(5), 978-981 (2004).
J62. L. Wang, W. Xu, M. Bachman, G. Li, and Z. Chen, “Phase-resolved optical Doppler tomography for imaging flow dynamics in microfluidic channels,” Applied Physics Letters 85, 1856-1857 (2004).
J61. S Guo. J Zhang, L Wang, J. Nelson, and Z. Chen“Depth-resolved birefringence and differential optical axis orientation measurements with fiber-based polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography,” Opt. Lett. 29, 2025–2027 (2004)
J60. W. Jung, J. Zhang, R. Mina-Araghi, N. Hanna, M. Brenner, J. Nelson, and Z. Chen“Feasibility Study of Normal and Septic Tracheal Imaging Using Optical Coherence Tomography”. Laser in Surgery and Medicine 35, 121-127 (2004)
J59. P. Tran, D. Mukal, M. Brenner, and Z. Chen“In vivo endoscopic optical coherence tomography by use of a rotational microelectromechanical system probe,” Opt. Lett. 29, 1236–1238 (2004).
J58. Y. Jiang, I. Tomov, Y. Wang, and Z. Chen“Second-harmonic optical coherence tomography,” Opt. Lett. 29, 1090-1092 (2004).
J57. B. Wong, Y. Zhao, M. Yamaguchi, N. Nassif, Z. Chen, and J. De Boer“Imaging the internal structure of the rat cochlea using optical coherence tomography at 0.827 µm and 1.3 µm,” Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 130, 334-338 (2004)
J56. A. Yeh, B. Kao, W. Jung, Z. Chen, and B. Tromberg“Imaging wound healing using optical coherence tomography and multiphoton microscopy in an in vitro skin-equalent tissue model,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 248-253 (2004)
J55. Z. Wang, J. Shah, Z. Chen, and M. Berns“Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy investigation of a GFP mutant-enhanced cyan fluorescent protein and its tubulin fusion in living cells with two-photon excitation ,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 395-403 (2004).
J54. L. Wang, W. Xu, M. Bachman, G. Li, and Z. Chen“Imaging and quantifying of microflow by phase-resolved optical Doppler tomography,” Optics Communications, 25-29 (2004)
J53. S. Srinivas, J. de Boer, H. Park, K. Keikhanzadeh, H. – E. Huang, J. Zhang, W. Jung, S. Guo, W. Jung, Z. Chen, and J. Nelson“Determination of burn depth by polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 207-212 (2004)
J52. B. Rao, J. Zhang, M. Taban, P. McDonnell, and Z. Chen“Imaging and Investigating the effects of incision angle of clear corneal cataract surgery with optical coherence tomography,” Optics Express 11, 3254-61 (2003)
J51. J. Zhang, S. Guo, W. Jung, J. Nelson, and Z. Chen“Determination of birefringence and absolute optic axis orientation using polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography with PM fibers,” Optics Express 11, 3262-70 (2003)
J50. P. McDonnell, M. Taban, M. Sarayba, B. Rao, J. Zhang, R. Schiffman, and Z. Chen“Dynamic Morphology of Clear Corneal Cataract Incisions,” Ophthalmology 110, 2342-48 (2003)
J49. W. Jung, B. Kao, K. Kelly, L. – H. Liaw, J. Nelson and Z. Chen“Optical Coherence Tomography for In Vitro Monitoring of Wound Healing After Laser Irradiation,” IEEE J. Select Topics Quantum Electro., 9, 222-26 (2003).
J48. Y. Wang, J. Nelson, Z. Chen, B. Reiser, R. Chuck, and R. Windeler“Optimal wavelength for ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography,” Optics Express 11, 1411-17 (2003)
J47. Y. Wang, Y. Zhao, J. Nelson, Z. Chen, and R. Windeler“Ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography by broadband continuum generation from a photonic crystal fiber,” Opt. Lett. 28, 182-84 (2003)
J46. V. Yang, M. Gordon, A. Mok, Y. Zhao, Z. Chen, R. Cobbold, B. Wilson, and I. Vitkin“Improved phase-resolved optical Doppler tomography using the Kasai velocity estimator and histogram segmentation,” Opt. Commun. 208,209-14 (2002)
J45. H. Ren, Z. Ding, Y. Zhao, J. Miao, J. Nelson, and Z. Chen“Phase-resolved functional optical coherence tomography: simultaneous imaging of in situ tissue structure, blood flow velocity, standard deviation, birefringence, and Stokes vectors in human tissue,” Opt. Lett. 27, 1702-04 (2002)
J44. J. Harbold, F. Ilday, F. Wise, T. Birks, W. Wadsworth, and Z. Chen“Long-wavelength continuum generation about the second dispersion zero of a tapered fiber,” Opt. Lett. 27, 1558-60 (2002)
J43. Z. Ding, Y. Zhao, H. Ren, J. Nelson, and Z. Chen“Real-time phase-resolved optical coherence tomography and optical Doppler tomography,” Optics Express 10, 236-45 (2002)
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J41. Z. Ding, Y. Zhao, H. Ren, J. Nelson, and Z. Chen“High resolution optical coherence tomography over a large depth range using an axicon lens,” Optics Letts. 27, 243 (2002)
J40. J. Viator, G. Au, G. Paltauf, S. Jacques, S. Phrahl, H. Ren, Z. Chen, and J. Nelson“Clinical testing of a photoacoustic probe for port wine stain depth determination,” Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 30, 141-8 (2002)
J39. Y. Zhao, Z. Ding, H. Ren, J. S. Nelson, and Z. Chen“Real-time Phase-resolved Functional Optical Coherence Tomography Using Optical Hilbert Transformation,” Opt. Lett. 27, 98 (2002)
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Book Listings
BC1 Z. Chen, “Functional Optical Coherence Tomography: Simultaneous in vivo Imaging of Tissue Structure and Physiology,” In Biophotoncs-Optical Science & Engineering for 21st Century, X. Shen, and R.Van Wijk eds, Springer Verlag Publishers, Boston (2005).
BC2 Z. Chen, “Tomography and Optical Imaging,” In Encyclopedia of Modern Optics, Bob D. Guenther ed, Elsevier, New York (2004).
BC3 Z. Chen, “Optical Doppler Tomography,” In Handbook of Coherent Domain Optical Methods, V. V. Tuchin ed, Vol 2. pp 315-342. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston (2004).
BC4 Z. Chen, “Functional Optical Coherence Tomography,” In Frontiers in Biomedical Engineering, N. H. C. Hwang and L. Y. Wooeds, pp 345-364. Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York (2003).
BC5 Z. Chen, T. E. Milner, et al., “Noninvasive imaging of in vivo blood flow velocity using optical Doppler tomography,” Optical Low Coherence Reflectometry and Tomography, SPIE Milestone Series Book of Selected Papers. SPIE (2000).
BC6 BC6 T. E. Milner, Z. Chen, et al., “Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography,”Handbook on Optical Coherence Tomography, in press (2000).
BC7 Z. Chen
and Shuo Tang, “Combined MPM/OCT System and Second Harmonic OCT,” in
W. Drexler and J. Fujimoto (eds.), Optical Coherence Tomography: Technology and
Applications, pp. 543-61 (2008).
BC8 Z. Chen and J. Zhang, “Doppler optical coherence tomography,” in W. Drexler and J.
Fujimoto (eds.), Optical Coherence Tomography: Technology and Applications, pp. 621-49
BC9 M. Brenner, H. Colt, S.B. Mahon, Z. Chen, “Optical Coherence Tomography in Pulmonary
Medicine,” in W. Drexler and J. Fujimoto (eds.), Optical Coherence Tomography:
Technology and Applications, pp. 1183-207 (2008).
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